“The Diaries of Godfrey Tallents of Newark 1829 1839”
Edited by Richard A Gaunt
Published by Nottinghamshire County Council
The following extract is reproduced by kind permission of the Publisher
12 October 1832. I and Burnaby were up at 6 o’clock and with Lord Lincoln at 7, we started in his carriage at 7 1/2 for Southwell where we arrived about 1/4 9 and went to Barrow’s for breakfast, after which we commenced the canvass which kept us till 1 1/2 or 2 o’clock. From Southwell we rode (to) Normanton and one or two other villages. The electors of Farnsfield sent to say that they hoped Lord Lincoln would not trouble himself to call at their houses, but invited him to dine with them at 5 o’clock; accordingly we went to the “Wheatsheaf” at that hour, and at 5 1/4 we went into a very large room where a capital dinner of turkeys, ducks, fowls, hares, beef, puddings etc was set out, and all the electors assembled; after dinner we had lots of port, and remained till about 8 1/2, having toasts, speeches etc. In conclusion 23 plumpers were promised and all the rest split votes. From Farnsfield we rode to Kirklington; on entering the village we were saluted by the ringing of bells, fireworks and a Band which preceded myself, Lord Lincoln and Burnby, through the village and up the avenue to Admiral Sotherton’s house, the Admiral met us at the door and all the villagers surrounded us, cheering most vehemently; it looked a very interesting sight, by moonlight amongst the old trees, and the old grey haired Admiral standing in the middle without his hat. After tea all the Kirklington electors came in the dining (room), had some wine and promised each his vote; we slept at Admiral Sotherton’s and were very glad of a good night’s rest.